Google Scholar


*Denotes undergraduate and graduate student mentees


Poindexter SA, Nijman V, Imron MA, Nekaris KA-I. 2023. Goal-Directed Travel in the Nocturnal Javan Slow Loris (Nycticebus javanicus). Ecologies. 4(3):568-579.

Marsh CD, Poindexter SA, Hill RA, Nowak MG, Abdullah, A, and Korstjens AH. 2023. Movement Ecology of Siamang in a Degraded Dipterocarp Forest. Gibbon Conservation in the Anthropocene, 188.


Poindexter SA. 2022. Strepsirrhine movement and navigation: sense and sociality. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 45, p.101133.

Watkins B, de Guinea M, Poindexter SA., Ganzhorn JU, Donati G. and Eppley TM. 2022. Routes matter: the effect of seasonality on bamboo lemur navigational strategies. Animal Behaviour186, pp.137-149.


*Maynard KQ, Birot H, Campera M, Imron MA, Jasso del Toro C, Poindexter SA, and Nekaris KAI. 2021. Slow learning of feeding skills in a nocturnal extractive forager. Animal Behaviour.


Poindexter SA and Garrett EC. 2020. Particle deposition and sensory drive. Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews. PDF

Nekaris KAI and Poindexter SA. 2020. Nycticebus hilleri. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Nekaris KAI, Poindexter SA, and Streicher U. 2020. Nycticebus coucang. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Rich AM, Poindexter SA, Lai A, Steiniche TB, Mutegeki R and Wasserman MD. 2020. A camera trap survey in a protected forest with potential for landscape connectivity across Western Uganda. African Journal of Ecology.

Poindexter SA and Nekaris KAI. 2020. The Evolution of Social Organisation in Lorisiformes. In: Evolution, Ecology and Conservation Lorises and Pottos. Editors: Nekaris KAI and Burrows A. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge UK


Nekaris KAI, Weldon A, Imron MA, *Maynard KQ, Nijman V, Poindexter SA, Morcatty TQ. 2019. Venom in furs: facial masks as aposematic signals in a venomous mammal. Toxins. 11, 93. National Geographic Coverage


Poindexter SA, Reinhardt KD, Nijman V, and Nekaris KAI. 2018. Slow lorises (Nycticebus spp.) display evidence of handedness in the wild and in captivity.  Laterality:  Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition. 6, pp. 705-721.

*Gardiner M, Weldon A, Poindexter SA, Gibson N, and Nekaris KAI. 2018. Survey of practitioners handling slow lorises (Primates: Nycticebus): an assessment of the harmful effects of slow loris bites. Journal of Venom Research. 9, pp. 1-7

Svensson MS, Nekaris KAI, Bearder SK, Bettridge C, Butynski TM, Susan M Cheyne SM, Das N, de Jong YA, Luhrs AM, Luncz L, Maddock ST, Perkin A, Pimley E, Poindexter SA, Spaan D, Reinhardt K, Stark DJ, Starr CR, and Nijman V. 2018. Sleep patterns, daytime predation and the evolution of diurnal sleep site selection in lorisiforms. Invited article for the American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 166 (3), pp. 563-577.


Poindexter S and Nekaris KAI. 2017. Vertical clingers and gougers: rapid acquisition of adult limb proportions facilitates feeding behaviours in young Javan slow lorises (Nycticebus javanicus). Mammalian Biology-Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde. 87, pp. 40-49.

Nekaris KAI, Poindexter S, Reinhardt KD, Sigaud M, Cabana F, Wirdateti W, and Nijman V. 2017. Co-existence between primates and humans in a dynamic agroforestry landscape in West Java. International Journal of Primatology. 38(2), pp.303-320. 

Poindexter S. 2017. Prosimian Morphology. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. Editors: Vonk J and Shackelford T K. Springer Nature. New York: New York.

Poindexter S. 2017. Prosimian Cognition. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. Editors: Vonk J and Shackelford T K. Springer Nature. New York: New York.

Poindexter S. 2017. Prosimian Navigation. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. Editors: Vonk J and Shackelford T K. Springer Nature. New York: New York.


Poindexter S, Khoa DD, and Nekaris KAI. 2016. The ranging patterns of translocated pygmy slow lorises (Nycticebus pygmaeus) in Cuc Phuong National Park, Vietnam. Vietnamese Journal of Primatology. 2(5), pp.  25-33.

Poindexter S and Nekaris KAI. 2016. Sanctuaries-Asia. In: The International Encyclopedia of Primatology. Editor: Fuentes A. Wiley Blackwell. Hoboken: New Jersey.


Poindexter S and Nekaris KAI. 2015. Lorisiformes. In: The International Encyclopedia of Primatology. Editor: Fuentes A. Wiley Blackwell. Hoboken: New Jersey 


Perera MA, Gamazon E, Cavallari LH, Patel SR, Flynn M, Poindexter S, Kittles RA, Nicolae DA, and Cox NJ. 2011. The Missing Association:  Sequencing-based discovery of novel SNPs in VKORC1 and CYP2C9 that affect warfarin dose in African Americans. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 89(3), pp. 408-15.

PhD Dissertation:

2018 Navigating the Night: Spatial Cognition, Locomotor and Ranging Behaviour in Nycticebus Species

Master’s Thesis:

2014 Rescued slow lorises (Nycticebus bengalensis, N. pygmaeus, N. coucang) in Thailand: promoting gummivory, measuring diversity, assessing sleeping site preferences and their application to captive management.